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Noch keine Bewertungen. Sei der Erste â starte eine Privat-Show!
Special for you my worn panties!
You also want to know how good my pussy smells? This is your chance!
This is something special for you.
This is not buying a new panties and shipping them to you.
I want you smell my scent.
I only sell used panties the smell of my pussy is impregnated in my panties!
1200 tokens inclusive shipping cost.
Hi guys nice to see you in my profile!
I am Tiffany a Dutch girl, who lives in Spain and the Netherlands.
I am a very easy going, nice Dutch girl who loves to cum/squirt and talk to you!
I have a lot of toys and a lot of sense to use them, So come along and let's enjoy together.
Age: 30 years
Height: 170 cm
Weight: 74 kg
Cupsize: 95F
Shoesize: 39 EU
Eyecolor: hazel
Natural haircolor: dark blonde
* I Be respectful! Please respect me and my
time. If you want to see me do something,
look in my tip menu or use a tip note!!
Rude or demanding comments deserve a
24-hour mute, anything after that will result
in a permanent ban from my stream.
* II Be nice to others! My streams are only
good vibes and that means no one should
be rude, to me, my knights or anyone else
in the room.
Let's work together to keep this a positive
and fun space!
* III No self promotion! Any promotion of other
models/yourself will lead to automatic ban!
* IV No spam messages!!
* V Lots of fun! Enjoy the show and don't forget
to say hello!!
I am very open minded and playful,I'm here
to have a lot of fun and enjoyment!!
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